
Instructions for Filling Out the LAP Statistical Report


General Instructions for Use of the LAP Reporting Program

Instructions for Law Enforcement Agencies or Agency Maintaining Records
The below categories represent figures captured by participating law enforcement agencies.

Each agency participating in the LAP in your catchment area is individually represented on the report.

Jurisdiction: Reporting law enforcement agency.

County: County in which the reporting agency is located.

Population: Population served by the reporting agency, in terms of calls for service. For a university police department, for example, that might mean the university’s population the police department serves directly.

Lethality Screens: Total number of Lethality Screens administered by the reporting agency during the reporting period¸ such as one month (monthly report) or one quarter (quarterly report).

Number of days within the reporting period. For one month that might be 28, 30 or 31 days. Or it may be the number of days in the reporting period in which the reporting agency participated in the LAP; this would be the case for agencies that initiated implementation, for example, in the middle of the reporting period. An agency beginning on June 15th would record 16 days as the “# of days” in the month in which it participated in the LAP.

Screens/Day: Automatic calculation that divides the number of Lethality Screens for the reporting period by the number of days in the reporting period. LAP Statistical  

Screens/Pop: Automatic calculation that divides the number of Lethality Screens for the reporting period by the size of the served population.

High Danger: Number of Lethality Screens where the victim has been assessed as being at “High Danger,” either based on the protocol or on the belief of the officer. Report the number of High Danger assessments based on the protocol and officer’s belief as a combined number. For your own monitoring purposes, you may want to separate the two.

% High Danger: Automatic calculation that divides the number of High Danger Lethality Screens by the total number of Lethality Screens.

Non-High Danger: Number of Lethality Screens where the victim has been assessed as being at “Non-High-Danger.”

% Non-High Danger: Automatic calculation that divides the number of Non-High Danger Lethality Screens by the total number of Lethality Screens.

DNA: “DNA” is the acronym for “Did Not Answer.” DNA means that the victim declined to answer ALL of the questions on the Lethality Screen. This would apply when the officer initially introduces the Lethality Screen to the victim and (s)he says that (s)he doesn’t want to answer the questions, then declines again when the officer encourages her/him a second time to answer. This type of Lethality Screen is counted as an administered Lethality Screen because the officer believed the victim should be assessed.

% DNA: Automatic calculation that divides the number of “DNA” Lethality Screens by the total number of Lethality Screens.

Spoke to Hotline Worker: Number of High Danger victims who speak by phone to the hotline worker after being encouraged by the officer to do so.

% Spoke to Hotline Worker: Automatic calculation that divides the number of victims who spoke to the hotline worker by the number of High Danger Lethality Screens

Instructions for Domestic Violence Program or Agency Preparing Report

The below categories represent figures captured by the domestic violence program.

Officer Calls: Number of calls your hotline received from officers on the scene of an IPV or DV call after completing a LAP questionnaire, regardless of assessment outcome.

% Officer Calls : Automatic calculation that divides the number of Officer Calls received by the number of High Danger Lethality Screens received from those officers’ reporting agency.

Went to Services: Any victim-initiated contact after a LAP call that involves safety planning, individual or group supportive counseling, providing resources, information, referrals, or medical/court accompaniment, or any services where an “intake” is conducted.

% Went to Services: Automatic calculation that divides the number of High Danger victims who spoke to the hotline worker by the number of High Danger Lethality Screens.

New Clients: Any person who accesses services after a LAP call that is a new client to the DV program – i.e., they have never accessed ANY of your agency’s services before, according to an agency records search, or the victim’s self-report upon intake.

% New Clients: Automatic calculation that divides the number of Total Screens by the number of New Clients.